Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals

Oxygen is used as a raw material in many oxidation processes, including the manufacture of ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, synthesis gas, ethylene dichloride, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, vinyl chloride and phthalic acid.

Very large quantities of oxygen are used in coal gasification — to generate a synthesis gas that can be used as a chemical feedstock or precursor for more easily- transported and easily-used fuels.

Oxygen is used to achieve more complete combustion and destruction of hazardous and waste materials in incinerators.

On-site oxygen production has many advantages :

  • Operating cost reduction
  • No heavy cylinder bottles to handle
  • Enhanced safety as no more storage of high quantities of combustive gas, under pressure or in liquid cryogenic form
  • Ease of mind as the oxygen can be available 24×7. This means no more supply constraints

Check our Cangas range of PSA and VPSA Oxygen Generators here

 Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals