In medicine, oxygen is used during surgery, intensive care treatment, inhalation therapy and others. High standards of purity and handling must be maintained. It needs to be designated as USP, which means it has been certified by the eponymous organisation, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and that cylinders containing oxygen must always be completed evacuated to minimize the risk of contamination.
Small portable non-cryogenic oxygen generator is gaining wide use in home care. Larger scale units using which also use non-cryogenic air separation technology, are being utilized in small and/or remote hospitals where demand is high enough but where liquid deliveries are unavailable or very costly. These oxygen generators typically produce 90 to 93% purity oxygen.
CANGAS® CAP-O series medical oxygen generator is specifically designed for medical facilities central oxygen supply. It passed medical equipment Registration Certification, and meets the United States Pharmacopoeia (UPS) XXI Oxygen 93% Monograph.
Check out on our Cangas Smart Oxygen generator here